This award was created in 2015 to remember Ron Smith and his endless devotion to promoting excellence in the building industry. Ron served on the Dubuque Homebuilders Board of Directors and the state board for many years. He also served on the City of Dubuque Zoning Board of Adjustment and many other organizations throughout the city.
Ron was committed in building a better Dubuque and lived the mission of the Dubuque Homebuilders and Associates to the fullest – promoting and enhancing professionalism in our building industry. But most of all Ron was a great guy, who worked hard and played hard. Nominations will be accepted each year, in October and the award will be presented at the annual Christmas party to recognize the person who best exemplifies the same qualities as Ron Smith. The winner will be chosen by the Board of Directors. See below for criteria.
Criteria for Award:
-Years of service in the construction/building industry
-Involvement on boards representing and promoting the building industry
-Positive attitude